Federacciai is the Federation of the Italian Steel Companies and is part of Confindustria. Today it gathers about 120 member firms producing and transforming over 95% of the Italian steel output. The original aim of Federacciai is to safeguard companies’ interests, to support them and to favour contacts among the firms which produce, transform and distribute steel and related products. Speaking out on behalf of the firms in the sector, Federacciai promotes industrial policies supporting the industry through tireless work focussed on economics, politics and on techno-scientific issues.

Federacciai is also engaged to promote steel industry’s image in Italy and abroad, stressing its economic features, explaining its structure, showing its evolution. Therefore it acts as a valuable supporter at enhancing the competitiveness of the Italian steel companies on the national and international market, as well as at solving the sector issues. Furthermore, Federacciai takes part in management boards and commissions of several Italian and international organizations.
Federacciai, the Federation of the Italian Steel Companies, was formally established on 16th December 1988 after the merger of the three Associations of the sector: Assider (Italian Steel Industries Association), I.S.A (Associated Steel Industries), U.S.I (Italian Steel Union), which decided to get over old agency divisions.
The main goal of the new Federation was to create an apolitical and non profit organization who could promote a wide range of initiatives in economic, financial, technical and scientific areas to the benefit of the whole Italian steel industry.
Federacciai had the mission to represent all the Italian companies in national and international institutions relevant to steel, and to support members’ industrial actions promoting dissemination of studies and consultations in any economic, financial and technical topics related to the sector. The Federation developed and implemented relations with other associations, also at European level, in order to create new synergies to the benefit of the steel industry.
From its establishment up to now Federacciai has been playing a central role in enhancing the knowledge and diffusion of Italian steel products and in representing one of the main industrial sectors of our country towards public opinion, government and public administration. The Federation is also at the forefront of an active policy to achieve the new goals set by economic development .