Federacciai promotes the interests of the Italian steel industry, strengthening its economic features, its structures as well as its production and commercial evolution. Therefore the Federation acts as a valuable supporter of the competitiveness of the steel companies on the national and international market.Federacciai protects and supports its members by:
- carrying out an active industrial policy coherent with sustainable development, able to pay attention to the peculiar priorities and needs stemming from the market changes in Italy and abroad;
- setting out an adequate preparation for EU and WTO agreements, in order to achieve the best possible climate for the steel business community;
- laying down a law framework that gives the Italian companies equal conditions in world steel competition;
- strengthening the bargaining capacity of the steel industry through a coordinated management of the key horizontal issues concerning the member associations;
- promoting a positive image and reputation of the Italian steel products;
- fostering an European regulation policy that goes along with the standardization and the development of the Authority;
- stimulating technical research and innovation;
- The following services are provided to the member companies. They can be gathered in 4 macroareas:
Statistical area
Technical area
Commercial area
Research area
Federacciai is a federal member of Confindustria. This close partnership allows the steel sector to represent a strong voice in the political, economic and social institutions in the country and abroad, and to promote and support the peculiar interests and needs of the Italian steel sector towards different partners in such issues like industrial policy, energy, environment, raw materials, transports etc.
The Federacciai commitment is to disseminate information regarding the economic features, the structure as well as the production and commercial evolution of the Italian steel industry. Therefore it provides a framework and services aiming at enhancing its members’ competitiveness on the domestic and international market.
The Association gathers the steel companies that carry out the processing of flat and long products and semifinished of common and special non alloy steel.
On the basis of Federacciai’s general policy, the Association has the following objectives:
- to promote studies concerning regulation, plus technical and commercial issues regarding the member companies’ products;
- to safeguard the members’ interests in the specific issues of their operating field as well as in the issues concerning the sector’s image;
- to work out directions of steel policy and to contribute to the guidelines of such policy proposals to Federacciai;
to join national and international steel associations, in accordance with Federacciai.
The Federacciai commitment is to disseminate information regarding the economic features, the structure as well as the production and commercial evolution of the Italian steel industry. Therefore it provides a framework and services aiming at enhancing its members’ competitiveness on the domestic and international market.
The Association gathers the steel companies that carry out electric arc furnace processing. On the basis of Federacciai’s general policy, the Association has the following objectives:
- to safeguard the general and specific interests of the electrosteel sector in regard to energy supplies and to ferrous material used as raw material in the life cycle of the products;
- to promote the sector’s image as essential player on the national industrial, economic and social scene;
- to support sector’s interests as to environment issues related to the life cycle of the products and to encourage the recovery of waste by means of re-use or recycling;
- to join national and international steel associations, in accordance with Federacciai.
The Federacciai commitment is to spread information regarding the economic features, the structure as well as the production and commercial evolution of the Italian steel industry. Therefore it provides a framework and services aiming at enhancing its members’ competitiveness on the domestic and international market.
The Association gathers the steel companies that carry out the processing of welded tubes and/or seamless tubes as well as the output obtained by working flat and long products of common and special steel, included forgings and rolled sections. On the basis of Federacciai’s general policy, the Association has the following objectives:
- to promote studies concerning regulation, plus technical and commercial issues related to the member companies’ products, paying particular attention to themes concerning sector’s image, energy and environment;
- to work out directions of steel policy and to contribute to the guidelines of such policy through proposals to Federacciai;
- to join national and international steel associations, in accordance with Federacciai.
The Federacciai commitment is to spread information regarding the economic features, the structure as well as the production and commercial evolution of the Italian steel industry. Therefore it provides a framework and services aiming at enhancing its members’ competitiveness on the domestic and international market.
The Association represents the steel companies that carry out the processing of flat and long semifinished products of common and special alloy steel. On the basis of Federacciai’s general policy, the Association has the following objectives:
- to promote studies concerning regulation, plus technical and commercial issues regarding the member companies’ products with particular attention to themes like environment and raw materials;
- to work out directions of steel policy and to contribute to the guidelines of such policy through proposals to Federacciai;
- to join national and international steel associations, in accordance with Federacciai.